Here comes that rainy day

Drip Drip Dripity Drop

So it never really occurred to me that vegas had any other weather except sunny... now this was quite the shock! And here I was planning on taking a break and going swimming outside...

guess that's not happening!

It's also the first time I got this warning on my phone!

Flash flood, whatever that is I am not leaving the studio today.

Funny thing is even during a storm the club is still busy and bumping!

Anyways quick update today, we are shifting our platform focus to tourism, it seems to be the easiest to start with and Jenny's Pitching Endeavors confirm this being the highest interest amongst people in china.

To be continued...


Wake up everyday and ask yourself what is the 1% improvement you can change to make yourself better both personally and professionally. -Tony Hsieh (Delivering Happiness)

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